学费 & 费用

It may sound like a cliché, but it’s true. The experience you gain at NCC, as well as the degree you earn, will pay dividends for the rest of your life. 一生 difference in earnings between someone with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree and someone with just a high school diploma is pretty significant. 但最重要的是 the friends, network, and professional connections you’ll make during your time here 将被证明是无价的.

TUITION (PER SEMESTER) New York State Resident: 全职*
拿骚县居民 2900.00 242.00 242.00
1 Out of 拿骚县居民 with Certificate (Each academic year, a valid Certificate of Residence must be submitted not earlier than sixty (60) days prior to the beginning (本学期) 2900.00 242.00 242.00
Out of 拿骚县居民 Without Certificate 5800.00 484.00 484.00
纽约州居民 5800.00 484.00 484.00
Half (½) Credit/Lecture Hour 课程 - one half of the above rates.      
2 Off-Site High School 课程: not to exceed   80.00  
Activity/Laboratory/Material 费用: depending upon course, not to exceed 100.00    
申请音乐费 400.00    
技术费 (全职/兼职)
The 技术费 - a dedicated fee charged to students taking credit courses offered 学院. The fee is committed to fund technology and equipment. 

125.00 50.00  
Special Course Fee, costs to be determined by vendor contract 待确定的成本    
合并费用 - covers initial student ID, lifetime academic transcripts and graduation regalia and ceremony attendance.  

International Student Health Insurance Fee, determined by underwriter, not to exceed 2,000.00    
Extracurricular Fee - provides for social, cultural, athletic, and related activities for full and part-time students 
全职 110.00     
兼职   12.00  
招生 Application Processing 55.00    
3 逾期登记 30.00    
4 后期学费支付 25.00    
学费 付款 Plan Enrollment 40.00    
学费 付款 Plan Late Fee (paid to Transact) 25.00    
Certificate of Immunization Document 5.00    
文凭替换 15.00    
补领身份证 10.00     
退回支票处理 20.00    
Liability Insurance required for clinical laboratory courses, (Payable Once) each 学年,不得超过 250.00    
Advanced Standing Nursing Program Evaluation 75.00    
Voluntary 校友 Association Membership 50.00    
5 Vehicle Registration Fee, full academic year rate 55.00    
International Internship Program Fee (per semester) 300.00    
International Student Dormitory Fee (per semester) 100.00    


  1. Education Law, Section 6305, provides, "The chief fiscal officer of each county, as 第2节定义.00 of the local finance law, shall, upon application and submission to him of satisfactory evidence, issue to any person desiring to enroll in a community college as a non-resident student a certificate of residence showing that said person 是该县的居民吗... Such person shall upon registration for each college year, file with the college such a certificate of residence issued not earlier than two months prior hereto, and such certificate of residence shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance." Education law, section 6301, paragraph 4, defines: "Resident" A person who has resided in the state for a period of at least one year and in the county, city, town, intermediate school district, school district or community college region, as the case may be, for a period of at least six months, both immediately preceding the date of such person's registration in a community college or, for the purpose of section sixty-three hundred five of this article, his/her application 申请居留证明. In the event that a person qualifies as above for the state residence but has been a resident of two or more counties in the state during the six months immediately preceding his/her application 申请居留证明 pursuant to section sixty-three hundred five of this chapter, the charges to the counties of residence shall be allocated among the several counties proportional to the number of months, or major fraction thereof, of residence in each county
  2. Subject to New York State residency requirements; high school students not meeting residency requirements will be charged $160 per credit.
  3. The Late Period is designated to be within ten (10) College Business Days before the 每节课开始.
  4. The 后期学费支付 Fee will be charged for any form of payment which is made on or after the first day of classes.
  5. 学年收费$55. If purchased separately: $30 per fall or spring semester; $10 per winter semester; $20 per summer semester.

*The full-time rate does not apply during the summer semester; charges are based on 学分或同等学分.

学费 and Fee Schedule 2023-2024 SFA 05/09/2023
